3 Things You Can Do To Maintain Your Dentures
Once you receive your dentures, you are able to enjoy eating many of the foods that you love. In addition, the gaps from your missing teeth are completely concealed. Even though your dentures look great when you first receive the appliance, they can start to deteriorate from improper maintenance. Here are a few things that you can do to help keep your dentures in their best condition:
Rinse your dentures with cool water after meals or snacks.
By rinsing your dentures after meals and snacks, you can help remove any debris that may become stuck in the appliance. In addition, foods that may cause staining can be rinsed away before the discoloration is absorbed by the dentures.
It is important to only use cool water when rinsing your dentures. The false teeth of a denture are often made of resin, which is a type of plastic. When exposed to high temperatures, the resin can begin to warp. Thus, rinsing your dentures with hot water may result in the disfigurement of your appliance.
Store your dentures in a suitable liquid.
Once the dentures are taken out of your mouth, they begin to dry out if not placed in a liquid. The dehydrated appliance may become brittle. In addition, the contours of your dentures may be distorted from the drying process.
It is always best to store your dentures in a cup of water or in another suitable denture solution. Denture solutions are available over-the-counter and are specially designed for denture storage.
Brush your dentures.
Just like your natural teeth, dentures can develop a coating of plaque from being inside your mouth. As a result, the appliance can harbor bacteria and may cause gum sensitivity.
The gum sensitivity is due to the exposure of your gums to the plaque on the appliance. Dental plaque contains particles of food and oral bacteria that release bacterial acid that can inflame gums.
Brushing the dentures can help remove any plaque that may be on the surface of your appliance.
In addition to brushing your dentures, you can soak them in cleaning solutions that are designed to cleanse and disinfect. Some denture-cleaning products even release effervescent bubbles to help promote the thorough cleaning of all parts of the appliance--even the hard-to-reach areas.
To learn more ways to take care of your dentures properly and to report any concerns about your appliance, consult with a dentist like Michele A Bibeau DDS in your area.