getting answers about teeth in a day proceduresgetting answers about teeth in a day procedures

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getting answers about teeth in a day procedures

Have you been putting off getting teeth extracted because you did not want to have to walk around without any teeth? I put the procedure off for three years before finally learning about the availability of teeth in a day procedures at local dentistry practices. Even after learning about the procedures I was still unsure if it was for me. I did not know if I would be a good candidate, if I could afford it, and exactly how it would work. I have compiled all of the information that I gathered to help others learn about this wonderful process.

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Why Dentists Use Crowns For Teeth With Large Amounts Of Decay

Decay is probably the worst thing your teeth can encounter, as it damages them. Decay starts off with just a speck, but it does not stop there. When decay begins forming, it tends to continue developing over a tooth. At some point, a tooth might have so much decay on it that a dentist cannot save it. Dentists often use dental crowns in these situations, and here are several things to understand about crowns, teeth, and decay.

Dentists Treat Decay with Fillings at First

When you first develop decay on a tooth, your dentist might treat it with a filling. A filling procedure involves the dentist removing the cavity from the tooth with a dental drill. After they remove all the decay, they place a filling material in the hole. The dentist must make sure they remove all the decay, as decay spreads. Once you have a filling in the tooth, the decay is gone, and the tooth is healthy and fine. The downside is that more decay can form on the same tooth if plaque stays there too long. You might not need a dental crown at this point, but you might in the future.

A Tooth Cannot Withstand Too Much Decay

If you get another small cavity on the same tooth, the dentist might be able to remove it and place another filling on the tooth. However, a tooth cannot withstand too much decay. If the decay is up against the existing filling, the dentist must remove the decay and might have to remove the filling, too.

Filling material does not adhere well to filling material that is already in a tooth. Additionally, too much decay in a tooth weakens the tooth. A tooth cannot handle too much filling material. If this is the case with one of your teeth, your dentist might start talking about a dental crown.

A Dental Crown Solves the Problem

Dentists often recommend dental crowns for teeth with too much decay or fillings. A dental crown is a solid tooth covering that a dentist places over a partial tooth. When you get a dental crown, you save part of your tooth and its roots. The crown covers this tooth and adds strength and protection for the tooth and its roots. Dental crowns are ideal for teeth like this and other situations.

If you have questions about decay, fillings, or crowns, contact a local dental clinic today to learn more.