4 Common Misconceptions About Dental Implants
Dental implant treatment involves replacing your damaged or infected tooth roots with a metal post made from titanium or ceramic. Dental implants can be a perfect solution if your dentures or bridges don't fit correctly. Also, implants can be a great alternative if you don't have teeth roots that can hold dentures or bridges.
The implants can last for many years. This advantage means even if the initial cost of the surgery is relatively higher compared to other options, it will be worth it.
This article will dispel fears you may have about dental implants and debunk any wrong misconceptions about the same.
The Process Is Painful
While dental implant surgery is invasive, this doesn't mean it's as painful as you may imagine. Modern technology allows dentists to use powerful anesthesia to numb pain from the nerves around your damaged tooth. In fact, you may not feel any pain during the operation. Also, your medical professional will give you painkillers to help you handle any pain after the surgery.
However, you may feel discomfort after the procedure as the bone around your implants heals, but the pain will dissipate with time. Moreover, implants have a high success rate with minor side effects. The materials used in the implants are chemically inert. Hence, they won't react with your gums and other tissues in the oral cavity.
Implants Aren't as Durable as Natural Teeth
Dental implants will gradually fuse into your gums and jawbone through the process of osseointegration until they match your natural teeth' strength and functionality. You may not even notice the difference between the implants and your regular teeth. For the fusing process to be perfect, you must ensure you use the antibiotics prescribed by your dentist accordingly. Also, you should brush and floss your teeth regularly to avoid bacteria buildup.
Combination with Other Procedures
Dental implants mirror your natural tooth's structure. Hence, you can combine the devices with other dental treatments like dentures. The implants can support your tooth, making it convenient to use dentures.
Perfectly Match Your Tooth
After an implant procedure, the dentist will use dental crowns or bridges to cover your tooth. These dental devices are customized to match your natural tooth's shape, size, and appearance, making your implants unnoticeable. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the implants altering your natural aesthetics. Also, you will be able to eat and talk as usual.
If you experience any slight discomfort after installing implants, you shouldn't panic. Your jawbone and other oral tissues may take some time to adjust to the implants before regaining standard functionality. For more information on dental implants, contact a professional near you.